Monday, 24 August 2009


pretty much just a doodle, but a saturday evening well spent, i feel. getting back into the drawing game, boo-ya!

also been painting on the walls a bit. photos soon.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

bohemian clove

web based photomontage inspired from a personal photoshoot with manko -x-

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

photos from iconography of mask

the event was a great success! and although i couldn't be there as much as i had wanted, i got some cool shots, here's the cream of the cream

Garry Vanderhorne, gallery owner


i would love to remake this shot with better lighting conditions! although i do like the atmosphere, bit more sharpness would be great!

these images are all just quickly edited for facebook haha, a few will be selected for proper editing for large format printing at a later date.